FrankFrank 毕业于广东第二师范学院 体育系体育教育专业 Graduated from Physical Education College of Guangdong Second Normal University,major in Physical Education Swimming 国家二级运动员 国家游泳救生员、指导员,EST健身学院私人教练认证 National Secondary Athletes, National Swimming Instructor, lifeguard; certificate of EST Professional Fitness Coach 七岁开始学习游泳,大学期间随校队训练,擅长自由泳、蛙泳、仰泳,三年游泳教学经验,以“因材施教”为教学主旨,让孩子安全、开心地学习游泳技能。 Started professional swimming training at 7 years old. Good at free stroke backstroke and breaststroke. he take ” To teach students in accordance of their aptitude” as teaching belief, understand and love children, to learn swimming skills in a happy, comfortable and safe environment. ...
JohnsonJohnson 国家二级运动员 National Second Athlete Certificate 获得营养师资格证 、CBBA专业健身教练证书 Obtain Nutritionist Qualification Certificate and CBBA Professional Fitness Coach PFT体适能训练认证证书、运动损伤与纠正证书 PFT Physical Fitness Training Certificate, Sports Injury and Correction Certificate 长期接受高水平游泳训练,擅长泳姿自由泳和蛙泳,3年游泳教学经验,2年健身教学经验。遵从孩子的意愿,善于发掘、鼓励孩子,给予孩子足够的自信和安全感,让孩子在快乐中主动去学习。 Have received long-term high-level swimming training, good at free stroke and breaststroke. Have 3 years’ experience in swimming teaching and 2 years’ experience in fitness teaching. Respect children’s opinion, good at discovering and encouraging children, give children enou...
Raymong教练 英国STA婴幼儿教练游泳救生资格证
Raymong教练 英国STA婴幼儿教练游泳救生资格证
Raymond教练 英国STA婴幼儿游泳教练资格证
Raymond教练 英国STA婴幼儿游泳教练资格证
Ken教练 英国STA游泳教练资格证
Ken教练 英国STA游泳教练资格证
Ken教练 英国STA婴幼儿教练游泳救生资格证
Ken教练 英国STA婴幼儿教练游泳救生资格证